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When we set out to develop a better chicken, we understood the challenges ahead. The absence of antibiotic-growth-promoters, coccidiostats and antibiotic (therapeutic) mean there are fewer tools at the producer’s disposal. Common intestinal and respiratory disorders normally treated with antibiotics must dealt with by relying on feed additives and antibiotic alternatives.  

However, our scientists and researchers have overcome all the difficulties and successfully developed new production techniques and technologies which satisfy these requirements. The result is a poultry production program with the following key elements: 

• Complete elimination of the use of antibiotics for prophylaxis or medication for different diseases. 

• Special formulas are given throughout the growth cycle. This greatly improves the chickens’ resistance to disease, preventing the need for antibiotics. 

• Chickens are grown in specially designed coops, which are carefully heated and ventilated.  

• State of the art technology and software programs developed by NPG that enables real time 24/7 monitoring and control of the health of the flock throughout its growth cycle.

• 100% plant nutrition, without the use of any animal products.  

The results of our method are healthy and strong chickens. Therefore, there is no need to use antibiotics or other chemical drugs. Laboratory tests have shown that the nutritional value of NPG chickens exceed the value of chickens raised under ordinary conditions.